Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Infinity's limits

Suspended in this strange world between worlds, a place that only exists because I occupy the space, and a single thought inspire an infinity more into being. Perhaps coalescence is at hand; collisions perhaps imminent, division and re-division always percipient. Back to the start, suspended between worlds.


Repeating and Repeating.

Take a closer look.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Tree

I must have run a thousand miles across this empty desert
maybe even a million, or a billion.
But I'm certain it wasn't a trillion.

I'd run for miles and miles under the hot sun.
Sometimes stopping for breath.
Sometimes to change course and chase the mirages to the ends of my own little world.

Until one day I fell face down,
and couldn't get up.
Breathing in the sand, the dust, and the dirt.

The singeing rays caressed my bare skin.
Until, for the first time in a while,
night had fallen.

Still I lay face down in the dirt,
too tired to move.
So I breathe in another ounce of dust.

Until the mornings rays, again burn my neck,
but only for a moment,
I decide to roll over and check.

A giant tree has grown around me,
protecting me in it's shade,
finally, a piece of sanctuary.

I rise up to search, the extent of it's growth,
for the first time I realize how thirsty I am,
and a fountain springs from it's roots.

My thirst is satisfied, and so I climb and lounge,
amongst the strong branches,
and the wide stretching bows.

A ripe piece of fruit falls from on high,
for the first time I realized,
that, one day, I might die.

But I eat the fruit,
savoring every bite,
knowing I'll be contented, until the next light.

My mirages chase around the outer edges of the shade,
but I pay them know mind,
I finally learned to wait, and stay watchful inside.

For if a mirages comes a-knocking,
if it comes lurking beneath my bow,
a mirage, it is more than, and more than, shall grow.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Maybe I'm Just Character Inspiration

I saw you today. I don't know your name. I don't know anything about you, except that you are beautiful. You don't know my name, you don't know anything about me, except you saw me looking at you.
I usually feel awkward when making eye contact with strangers on the street. But, not so much this time. I swear I could feel some sort of energy on the air as we made eye contact and smiled. Or at least, in my case, tried to smile.
I've been tired for so long, so worn down, so ready to give up all hope, that my mouth has not cracked a smile in a long while.

I might say, I fell in love with you in that moment. With your red hair, your cap, your beautiful face, that in my memory, is perfect. The way you moved with confidence in your step. I immediately get the sense you are a passionate being.
Perhaps some of that passion rubbed off on me in your passing.

Hell, I didn't even say a word for you. I want to imagine you as an artist. You certainly have a unique taste in clothing. Well, perhaps just accessories. Where as I was just a passing everyman. Plain grey T-shirt with dark tan pants. And a small but loud cry - A black hat with a red star hammer and sickle pin. I wonder if you noticed that. I wonder what you noticed.

Being an artist, who knows what you took note of. Perhaps you'll remember my eyes, the way I walked, the conversation I was having with the person I was with.
I wonder what art you create. Perhaps you are a painter. Perhaps you are a photographer. Perhaps you a writer. Perhaps you live your life as if it where art. Perhaps a combination.
Will my face slip its way from your brush? Will my posture find its way into photographs? Will my quiet, shy, but determined attitude form a character in a story? Who knows.

That phrase seems to be the name of the game. Who knows?
All I really feel sure I know, is that you impacted me on a level few people can get to with just a passing moment. After all the stress as of late, all the insecurities, all the criticisms, from myself and others, you've given me a glimpse of hope. I'd almost lost hope.

Tomorrow will be a brighter day, the future holds great promise. Let us not forget, that there is hope.

I wonder what would happen if I did happen to see you again. I hope I would say something. But I might be lost for words until much later. Maybe go with the moment - "Hello, You have a beautiful smile that has stunned me. And here I am, telling you about it."
Hell, it's better than saying nothing. I wonder what would happen if you started talking to me? What would you say...Who knows?

At the end of it all, all I really can say is, I hope I impacted you at least one-tenth as much as you've impacted me. I hope it all leads to something good. For both of us. Even if we never see each other again. If we never talk with words.

Today I fell in love with a stranger, with a beautiful smile.